Design Mockup

PET: Personal Emotions Tracker

Making mood tracking personalized & interactive


UX Designer + UX Researcher


2 UX Designers + 3 UX Researchers


Oct - Dec 2021; 3 months


Literature Review + 2 Design Iterations


Interactive working prototype


Current mood tracking apps:

  • Lack in-depth tracking capabilities
  • Have a high input overhead
  • Do not support long-term behavior change

Personal emotions tracker is a mobile app that allows users to:

  • Interact with the app & log their mood using 3 different modalities
  • View and interact with their past mood & trends
  • Customize & view realtime mood on their animal avatar
  • Connect a smartwatch interface for quick mood prompts
View Prototype

This design was selected to be featured in The Best Illustrated App Designs by DesignRush, a platform known for promoting amazing designs.


Existing mood trackers are insufficient for diverse user needs & suffer from low user engagement

Existing mood trackers limit users to fixed interaction methods, restricting flexibility of use. Many mood-tracking apps require extensive journal input, hence discouraging long-term adoption by users. Also, current mood trackers lack engaging mood trends & insights, hindering self-reflection. Moreover, current mood trackers lack personalization and adaptability, providing a generic user experience.


How to make mood tracking personalized, adaptable & interactive

It was a challenge to find a tracking method with a low-input overhead to gather comprehensive mood data. Incorporating contextual data about the user to provide an engaging user experience also proved to be difficult. Moreover, building the foundation for long-term behavior change through self-reflection turned out be the biggest challenge.


Automated mood sensing via smartwatches has a low-input overhead for the user & provides quality sleep, activity, stress data

I the play store and looked at academic paperfind opportunities for improvement and current research efforts in this domain. I found multiple possibilities and room for improvement as summarized below:

> Advancements in NLP enable the creation of a powerful chatbot that can conduct conversational surveys and extract emotions from responses.
> Data visualizations and usage trends offer a closeness with the user's past mood inviting opportunities for self-reflection & behaviour change.
 > Custom avatars and contextual data about the user's daily events drastically add to the personalized user experience.

I explored all possible use cases of the app, along with user needs & mobile/watch interface

Storyboard of primary persona Zachary using the app in real time

Animal avatar based mood tracker with multiple input modalities, insightful trends & smartwatch companion

PET offers users a holistic approach to mood tracking:

> Interact with the app using 3 modalities:
Chatbot, Survey, One-Touch (tap an emoji)
> View charts & trends about user's past mood to promote reflection
> On the smartwatch, respond to quick mood prompts & interact with chatbot
> Customize animal avatar & view user's realtime mood depicted on the avatar

Users wished to see detailed trends, simpler surveys & clearer interaction options

I conducted a round of user testing on the wireframes to uncover user opinions on my preliminary thoughts. I wanted to ensure that the user's needs are the primary driving force for the solution. Based on their feedback, I iterated on the wireframes to further refine my designs.

Wireframe iterationWireframe iterationWireframe iterationWireframe iteration

A personalized & informative home page

Home page design

PET helps you on your terms via Chatbot, Surveys & One-Tap

Input modalities

Trends help you stay on top of your mood

Trends solution

Stay updated on the go with a smartwatch companion app

Smartwatch design to log moodSmartwatch design of mood insights


I delivered an interactive working prototype that made mood tracking personalized & interactive. Through the usability testing session, I was able to resolve majority of the issues brought up by the users & increase user satisfaction.

# of usability issues resolved
User satisfaction scores

Reflection & future scope

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